
Wir bieten eine breite Palette an Dienstleistungen, darunter Heizungsbau, Sanitärinstallation, Spanndecken, Solar, Montage von Baufertigteilen und Böden. Unsere Expertise und unser Engagement für Qualität stellen sicher, dass Ihre Projekte immer zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit abgeschlossen werden.

Heating construction / sanitary installer

Complete renovation bathroom & heating, pipe cleaning, tiling.
Incon Bau is your reliable partner for heating construction and plumbing installations.

Electrical engineering

We at INCONBAU are your contact for high-quality electrical installations, intelligent smart home solutions and precise meter readings.

Stretch ceilings

With a stretch ceiling we will find the most individual solution for your home or office. This modern alternative of ceiling design offers you individuality and versatility.


Incon Bau offers you an environmentally friendly solution for powering your home or business with our solar power systems.


INCONBAU is your reliable partner for photovoltaic systems. Use the power of the sun to reduce your energy costs and protect the environment.

Assembly prefabricated parts

The assembly of standardized prefabricated parts such as doors, windows, conservatories or carports requires certain expertise and precision.


You want to renew your floors? We will be happy to help you choose the right products and take care of the installation.

Contact us for your next construction project!

Incon Bau bietet eine breite Palette von Bauleistungen an, von Heizungsbau und Sanitärinstallation bis hin zu Spanndecken, Solar. Wir stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Ihr nächstes Bauprojekt professionell und effizient umzusetzen.